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A Semblance of Rememberance

Every year, we observe a plethora of holidays nationally. Most are preceded by the word "Happy" as a time of celebration and good cheer. One of the exceptions to this is Memorial Day. A more somber holiday, to reflect and honor those that have died while serving this country.

This year's holiday is observed on May 31, 2021. We hope it will be spent reflective of the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice, to protect and serve.

It's also a time to show appreciation for our living veterans. Though not as celebratory, we pay homage to those that lost their lives/livelihoods in battle. We would be remiss to not mention, their loyal sacrifices- both past and present, including those living with PTSD, bi-polar disease and other mental or debilitating health states. My father, an army veteran and former paratrooper once shared what it was like to jump from airplanes, however never spoke of the tragedies, bloodied missions or unspoken bruises he had to deal with.

Let's continue to support and uplift our fallen soldiers who have lived a life of sacrifice, discipline, and military indoctrination.

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